Blog 4
                                                        Changing of the American Dream

           What does American People dream about now days?  Do the people dream about freedom and working like illegals and people coming from other countries who find citizenship here?  These questions ponder what makes the American Dream possible.
           On one hand you have the American Federal Government dictating that the government is the ones that should help the people.  All the while, stealing freedoms from us.  Taking what wasn't the American Federal Government's to take according to the Constitution of the United States of America.  The only one that can take the unalienable rights is the one who dawned us as I say in all my writing of these blog entries...that means the one who created us.
           On the other hand, you have the American People wanting what the American Federal Government promises them for the American Federal Governments' own ulterior motives.  The people under the governments under any country including America give the governments right to dictate the peoples of said countries.
        The American People have sold out like the rest of the world even under Republican and Democratic descent.  All of the sale out is just wrong.  This blogged point of the Changing of the American Dream is that the American People are just at as much fault as the American Politicians.  America, again, this blogger urges you to wake up and remember what America's forefathers did.  The forefathers asked very simply for the American Government to leave the American People alone, and left statutes in place to prevent full American Government take over of the government's people they break bread with.  Please I ask the American People to take the country back by not accepting the so called rewards of a bigger stronger government.  In closing this entry. I tell it again, "Take the country of America back to the people and not to the American Government.".  Thank you for listening once again America and make the Constitutional change for the better while leaving American Government Control behind.  Maybe, with this,  the American Dream shall become sacred once again and whole for everlasting reason.

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