Blog 3
Ownership of Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up
   The core ideals and principles about what The Start of the American Dream (Blog 2) stand for is that the American People should have the right to stake a claim on anything they purchase under contract and do with it as the American People sees fit. 
   The American Government would say that the American People have to abide by the rules under contract and law.  Things such as the Universal Commercial Code or even the Piracy laws, but let me tell the American People what the real contract is.  That $1.00 bill, $5.00 bill, $10.00 bill, $20.00 bill, $50.00 bill, or even the $100.00 bill is not considered dollars to the Federal Government, however they are considered Treasury Notes.  Do the American People know what a Note is in that format?       A Note under that format is a contract for the American Person purchasing with it is a contract of sale from the American Federal Government.  This is what was given up when the American People let the Holy Dollar rule the American People's lives.  This contract does not give the the American Federal Government the right that the American Federal Government can dictate what is done with such property after the American Person buys it.  The contract massed upon the rules of the Treasury Note states that the American Person has bought the such and such item being it land, a movie, a coloring book of all things, or a pack of cigarettes, or anything purchased by the American Person or persons for ownership in America.
   Now this blogger asks you...what have the American Person or Persons given up by allowing the well Unconstitutional laws into place such as the Universal Commercial  Code for land, or the Piracy law for property the American person or persons buy in stores, or even the outrageously priced vehicles sold in this country of America via American made or Foreign?
    What the American People has given up is that contract to have a pursuit of happiness given to them by the Constitution of America.  The American Person or Persons has given up their right to Liberty.  The American Person or Persons has given up their right to the fact that they have unalienable rights that can not be taken away by a government,  the American Federal Government, or even a dictator, but only by the the one who dawned them.  The one who created them.
    This means by given up these rights everyday, the American People give into dictatorship by having to do what the American dictators in the White House, Congress, and the Judicial System put out.  To this blogger, the American People are at fault, not the dictators that do these things.  The American Person or Persons allow the dictators to have the dictator's ways.  In short, wake-up American People and take our country back.  Thank you for reading this blogger's Blog 3, Ownership of  Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up.  Bring the wake-up call on American People.  That is the way true Liberty and true Justice exists.

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