Blog 4
Changing of the American Dream
What does American People dream about now days? Do the people dream about freedom and working like illegals and people coming from other countries who find citizenship here? These questions ponder what makes the American Dream possible.
On one hand you have the American Federal Government dictating that the government is the ones that should help the people. All the while, stealing freedoms from us. Taking what wasn't the American Federal Government's to take according to the Constitution of the United States of America. The only one that can take the unalienable rights is the one who dawned us as I say in all my writing of these blog entries...that means the one who created us.
On the other hand, you have the American People wanting what the American Federal Government promises them for the American Federal Governments' own ulterior motives. The people under the governments under any country including America give the governments right to dictate the peoples of said countries.
The American People have sold out like the rest of the world even under Republican and Democratic descent. All of the sale out is just wrong. This blogged point of the Changing of the American Dream is that the American People are just at as much fault as the American Politicians. America, again, this blogger urges you to wake up and remember what America's forefathers did. The forefathers asked very simply for the American Government to leave the American People alone, and left statutes in place to prevent full American Government take over of the government's people they break bread with. Please I ask the American People to take the country back by not accepting the so called rewards of a bigger stronger government. In closing this entry. I tell it again, "Take the country of America back to the people and not to the American Government.". Thank you for listening once again America and make the Constitutional change for the better while leaving American Government Control behind. Maybe, with this, the American Dream shall become sacred once again and whole for everlasting reason.
Blog 3
Ownership of Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up
The core ideals and principles about what The Start of the American Dream (Blog 2) stand for is that the American People should have the right to stake a claim on anything they purchase under contract and do with it as the American People sees fit.
The American Government would say that the American People have to abide by the rules under contract and law. Things such as the Universal Commercial Code or even the Piracy laws, but let me tell the American People what the real contract is. That $1.00 bill, $5.00 bill, $10.00 bill, $20.00 bill, $50.00 bill, or even the $100.00 bill is not considered dollars to the Federal Government, however they are considered Treasury Notes. Do the American People know what a Note is in that format? A Note under that format is a contract for the American Person purchasing with it is a contract of sale from the American Federal Government. This is what was given up when the American People let the Holy Dollar rule the American People's lives. This contract does not give the the American Federal Government the right that the American Federal Government can dictate what is done with such property after the American Person buys it. The contract massed upon the rules of the Treasury Note states that the American Person has bought the such and such item being it land, a movie, a coloring book of all things, or a pack of cigarettes, or anything purchased by the American Person or persons for ownership in America.
Now this blogger asks you...what have the American Person or Persons given up by allowing the well Unconstitutional laws into place such as the Universal Commercial Code for land, or the Piracy law for property the American person or persons buy in stores, or even the outrageously priced vehicles sold in this country of America via American made or Foreign?
What the American People has given up is that contract to have a pursuit of happiness given to them by the Constitution of America. The American Person or Persons has given up their right to Liberty. The American Person or Persons has given up their right to the fact that they have unalienable rights that can not be taken away by a government, the American Federal Government, or even a dictator, but only by the the one who dawned them. The one who created them.
This means by given up these rights everyday, the American People give into dictatorship by having to do what the American dictators in the White House, Congress, and the Judicial System put out. To this blogger, the American People are at fault, not the dictators that do these things. The American Person or Persons allow the dictators to have the dictator's ways. In short, wake-up American People and take our country back. Thank you for reading this blogger's Blog 3, Ownership of Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up. Bring the wake-up call on American People. That is the way true Liberty and true Justice exists.
Ownership of Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up
The core ideals and principles about what The Start of the American Dream (Blog 2) stand for is that the American People should have the right to stake a claim on anything they purchase under contract and do with it as the American People sees fit.
The American Government would say that the American People have to abide by the rules under contract and law. Things such as the Universal Commercial Code or even the Piracy laws, but let me tell the American People what the real contract is. That $1.00 bill, $5.00 bill, $10.00 bill, $20.00 bill, $50.00 bill, or even the $100.00 bill is not considered dollars to the Federal Government, however they are considered Treasury Notes. Do the American People know what a Note is in that format? A Note under that format is a contract for the American Person purchasing with it is a contract of sale from the American Federal Government. This is what was given up when the American People let the Holy Dollar rule the American People's lives. This contract does not give the the American Federal Government the right that the American Federal Government can dictate what is done with such property after the American Person buys it. The contract massed upon the rules of the Treasury Note states that the American Person has bought the such and such item being it land, a movie, a coloring book of all things, or a pack of cigarettes, or anything purchased by the American Person or persons for ownership in America.
Now this blogger asks you...what have the American Person or Persons given up by allowing the well Unconstitutional laws into place such as the Universal Commercial Code for land, or the Piracy law for property the American person or persons buy in stores, or even the outrageously priced vehicles sold in this country of America via American made or Foreign?
What the American People has given up is that contract to have a pursuit of happiness given to them by the Constitution of America. The American Person or Persons has given up their right to Liberty. The American Person or Persons has given up their right to the fact that they have unalienable rights that can not be taken away by a government, the American Federal Government, or even a dictator, but only by the the one who dawned them. The one who created them.
This means by given up these rights everyday, the American People give into dictatorship by having to do what the American dictators in the White House, Congress, and the Judicial System put out. To this blogger, the American People are at fault, not the dictators that do these things. The American Person or Persons allow the dictators to have the dictator's ways. In short, wake-up American People and take our country back. Thank you for reading this blogger's Blog 3, Ownership of Properties Purchased by the American People in America and What the American People Gave Up. Bring the wake-up call on American People. That is the way true Liberty and true Justice exists.
My Thoughts of the Travesty of Americans Giving Government Too Much Power
I start my knowledge in writing as a testimonial that this is an outrage. The American people looking to point fingers at whoever or whatever they can. They have let dictatorship from a government very distinctly loose. They have mocked what the Constitution of the United States once stood for by giving the government power by one, accepting government handouts, and two, letting the government have control of land and happiness in all aspects of the country. This is not your typical blog of how Barack Hussein Obama or Congress or groups such as the United Nations or even the law system is to blame. No this a blog that shows what happens when Americans as the responsibility give these men/women and lazy people power to do for themselves instead of America like they should be. In short, to start my blog, the American People (White, African, Hispanic, or Chinese, or etc.) are to blame. Hopefully, a wake up call could be warranted.
Blog 1
Some of the Devouring We Allow
My first application of designated progressiveness that the American People have with no merit to do so due to the part of the Constitution that says, " That we have unalienable rights that can not be taken away except by the creator that dawned us."
It might be me but we as a people turn our backs and watch this happen. Why do we let a government come in and take these rights from us? It is a travesty and an embarrassment to our people as a whole. No man can take what a creator gives you, yet you as the American people you are, would allow the universal commercial code, you would allow the patriot act, and foremost a disastrous thing that you wouldn't challenge the 13th and 14th amendments of the Constitution seeing how they were apprehended illegally with rejection of known parties of congress disallowed to vote on them.
This all is not what the government did. No this is what the American people as a whole did and will continue doing till you realize you want freedom and not a bunch of empty promises. That you would want to make your own way and not be held accountable by a government but by you and your maker. Which ever you prefer to look up to. That is your business.
One for the blacks is the over estimated people such as Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson have got it wrong. Martin Luther King wanted Black people or African American or what you prefer to be called to not make me a racist to live on equal terms with the White race. Not butcher their dignity by being hand grubbing debutantes that act as though they don't think stealing from the whites is wrong. MLK reveled in the black man making a good shot at becoming and laboring on equal terms with the white man for all to see that the color of skin doesn't matter, but the two fore mentioned would have you believe it does matter that a man with white skin should be treated lesser than you. Do you wonderful people of good Christian or Muslim or God knows what your religion is see that to be the case? That any man should suffer? I hate to say it but I spit on that kind of political thinking and those two men should be permanently dismissed from the causes of religion and politics.
The Universal Commercial Code (U.C.C.) is the thing that keeps the government really gnawing at the bit we give up. It is the law that says we have to have ordinances. It comes down from the Federal Government and is handed down by the States to the cities and counties and so forth. You people of all cultures that have the nerve to call yourself true Americans have spit on your right of a pursuit of happiness given by the Constitution. Furthermore by allowing this to go on, you destroy liberty in her sweet beauty. Freedom has not been felt truly since the civil war and things like affirmative action and the Social Security Trust Act have definitely been reasons to blame to put your freedoms you so gave up out of your hands and into the hands of the Federal Government and the United Nations. I hope one day that every man and woman of every color or religious tolerance wakes up and sees just what they have given up to give these jokes of life the power they now possess over them. Furthermore, I wish you would think about what I have said before you dismiss it. If you truly look at yourselves as a people you will see the truth.
Thank you for seeing the reading of my thoughts. Perhaps one day, all Americans will truly be free once again given they stop falling to this thing called government aid and quit falling for the governmental ideas of the rest of the world.
Blog 2
The Start of the American Dream
In the beginning the people of the colonies wanted freedom and the thought of freedom was highly addictive with emotion. The right to bring forth crops and bounty and to live life in a harmony befitting of not being controlled by royalty, tyranny, or strife. And the people said let there be land ownership and that all the lands could become theirs each for their families and the beginning of the journeys they mass called life. Then they saw the life was good and abundant and fought hard to keep it and worked even harder to maintain it. This was the start of a proud civilization known as America.
I start my knowledge in writing as a testimonial that this is an outrage. The American people looking to point fingers at whoever or whatever they can. They have let dictatorship from a government very distinctly loose. They have mocked what the Constitution of the United States once stood for by giving the government power by one, accepting government handouts, and two, letting the government have control of land and happiness in all aspects of the country. This is not your typical blog of how Barack Hussein Obama or Congress or groups such as the United Nations or even the law system is to blame. No this a blog that shows what happens when Americans as the responsibility give these men/women and lazy people power to do for themselves instead of America like they should be. In short, to start my blog, the American People (White, African, Hispanic, or Chinese, or etc.) are to blame. Hopefully, a wake up call could be warranted.
Blog 1
Some of the Devouring We Allow
My first application of designated progressiveness that the American People have with no merit to do so due to the part of the Constitution that says, " That we have unalienable rights that can not be taken away except by the creator that dawned us."
It might be me but we as a people turn our backs and watch this happen. Why do we let a government come in and take these rights from us? It is a travesty and an embarrassment to our people as a whole. No man can take what a creator gives you, yet you as the American people you are, would allow the universal commercial code, you would allow the patriot act, and foremost a disastrous thing that you wouldn't challenge the 13th and 14th amendments of the Constitution seeing how they were apprehended illegally with rejection of known parties of congress disallowed to vote on them.
This all is not what the government did. No this is what the American people as a whole did and will continue doing till you realize you want freedom and not a bunch of empty promises. That you would want to make your own way and not be held accountable by a government but by you and your maker. Which ever you prefer to look up to. That is your business.
One for the blacks is the over estimated people such as Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson have got it wrong. Martin Luther King wanted Black people or African American or what you prefer to be called to not make me a racist to live on equal terms with the White race. Not butcher their dignity by being hand grubbing debutantes that act as though they don't think stealing from the whites is wrong. MLK reveled in the black man making a good shot at becoming and laboring on equal terms with the white man for all to see that the color of skin doesn't matter, but the two fore mentioned would have you believe it does matter that a man with white skin should be treated lesser than you. Do you wonderful people of good Christian or Muslim or God knows what your religion is see that to be the case? That any man should suffer? I hate to say it but I spit on that kind of political thinking and those two men should be permanently dismissed from the causes of religion and politics.
The Universal Commercial Code (U.C.C.) is the thing that keeps the government really gnawing at the bit we give up. It is the law that says we have to have ordinances. It comes down from the Federal Government and is handed down by the States to the cities and counties and so forth. You people of all cultures that have the nerve to call yourself true Americans have spit on your right of a pursuit of happiness given by the Constitution. Furthermore by allowing this to go on, you destroy liberty in her sweet beauty. Freedom has not been felt truly since the civil war and things like affirmative action and the Social Security Trust Act have definitely been reasons to blame to put your freedoms you so gave up out of your hands and into the hands of the Federal Government and the United Nations. I hope one day that every man and woman of every color or religious tolerance wakes up and sees just what they have given up to give these jokes of life the power they now possess over them. Furthermore, I wish you would think about what I have said before you dismiss it. If you truly look at yourselves as a people you will see the truth.
Thank you for seeing the reading of my thoughts. Perhaps one day, all Americans will truly be free once again given they stop falling to this thing called government aid and quit falling for the governmental ideas of the rest of the world.
Blog 2
The Start of the American Dream
In the beginning the people of the colonies wanted freedom and the thought of freedom was highly addictive with emotion. The right to bring forth crops and bounty and to live life in a harmony befitting of not being controlled by royalty, tyranny, or strife. And the people said let there be land ownership and that all the lands could become theirs each for their families and the beginning of the journeys they mass called life. Then they saw the life was good and abundant and fought hard to keep it and worked even harder to maintain it. This was the start of a proud civilization known as America.
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